Customers | VESTEL B2B Support Portal


The list of customers is shown on this page. This list includes room number, first name, last name, gender, is billable, activity, PMS ID.

At the bottom right is the create button. The users can create new customer with this button.

Also, at the bottom users can use the left and right arrows to move quickly to the next or previous page.

With the search box at the top right, a detailed search can be made in the Customers list.

Show entries box will show the desired numbered of customers. The arrow keys near the column’s names are ordering the customers by name.

At the top of the page there are download buttons. The users can download customer list as pdf, excel, csv or print.

There are four operations in the list page. The users can check-in, edit or delete, and see their bills. If a person checks out, they cannot see the check-in button.

  1. Create

First name, last name, phone, gender, address, date of birth, country, language, check-in, IsParentalLockActive, TVRight, PmsID data should be written on this page to add new customers.

Gender is given in three options, male and female, other, and one should be selected. Country, language and TV right information is listed and should be selected from the list. If it is checked in, the check in button and the parental lock is active IsParentalLock active button must be pressed.

After the relevant fields are filled, new customer can be added by clicking create button or if customer will not be added, cancel button is used to return to the customer list.

The customer list has edit and delete buttons next to each user. With the Edit button, the customer’s information can be edited. The edit button shows the customer’s information in detail, automatically all information will be shown. The delete button deletes the info. The bill button informs the user about their spending.

Figure 5: Customers' List