Nearby attraction page consists of 3 parts.1.Category menu a. Categories should be listed in category menu which... 06 Nis [:en]Nearby Attractions[:fr]Attractions à proximité[:] vestek | About Hotel | 0 Nearby attraction page consists of 3 parts.1.Category menu a. Categories should be listed in category menu which...
The images about the hotel should be shown on the left side of the page.Information about the hotel... 06 Nis [:en]Hotel Info[:fr]Informations sur l’hôtel[:] vestek | About Hotel | 0 The images about the hotel should be shown on the left side of the page.Information about the hotel...
When the user enters the TV page, the TV list appears on the left side.The first channel opens... 06 Nis [:en]TV Page[:fr]Page TV[:] vestek | User Interface Components | 0 When the user enters the TV page, the TV list appears on the left side.The first channel opens...
After the user has registered in the room, default welcome message, special welcome notification or welcome video should... 06 Nis [:en]Welcome Page[:fr]Page de bienvenue[:] vestek | User Interface Components | 0 After the user has registered in the room, default welcome message, special welcome notification or welcome video should...
The first time the user opens Hotel TV, should encounter the registration page.The user should enter room number... 06 Nis [:en]Registration Page[:fr]Page d’inscription[:] vestek | User Interface Components | 0 The first time the user opens Hotel TV, should encounter the registration page.The user should enter room number...
Question numbers should be listed in number menu which is located on top of the page.You can switch between... 07 Mar [:en]Survey[:fr]Enquête[:] vestek | Services | 0 Question numbers should be listed in number menu which is located on top of the page.You can switch between...