VSign TV Client User Guide

  • Connect to the CMS
  • Settings
    • Buttons and Status Messages
    • Returing Settings Screen
    • Offline Mode Usage
  • VSign SW Auto Update
  • VSign Recovery
  • TV FW Update

Connect to the CMS

Most of the client options are set on the CMS and delivered over the network to the client. This keeps the client configuration to a minimum on each new installation. Before the options can be sent from the CMS it is necessary to register the display with the CMS. This can be done from the client options screen, pictured in Figure-1.

Figure-1: Vsign options


CMS Address (Required): This is the fully qualified address of your CMS installation. 
For example http:\\your.domain\vsignCMS\
Key: Self-generated key for representing TV’s identity on CMS server.
Offline Mode: Allows to show predefined layouts located at the USB.

Buttons And Status Messages


  • Once all of the settings have been filled in (minimum CMS Address, Server Key) the Save button should be pressed. At this point the message will update with the status “Saving with CMS…Please Wait…”
  • When license is given from CMS, status message will be updated to “Display is active and ready to start. “
  • Offline:

  • Save button should be pressed. At this point the message will update with the status “Offline mode will be used” Then Launch Client should be pressed to start player.

Returning Settings Screen

If it’s needed to change settings of the Vsign player while application continues to work, pressed “1907” from remote controller to return the settings page.

Offline Mode Usage

Layout exports (with only image, video and text elements) from CMS or layouts prepared with Vsign Design Studio should be put under /vsign/offline/. Each layout should have its own folder under offline directory. When such configuration is exists, you can either press “1907” to go Player Options Screen or started Vsign with no configuration file to be able to see Player Options Screen at first startup.

VSign SW Auto Update

Follow the below procedure of update the VSign software.

  • From the CMS navigation menu, go to the Content page.
  • Press the Add Media button and select the Generic file type on the pop-up form and add the relevant screen software setup file.
  • From the CMS navigation menu, go to the Display Group page.
  • Select the Version Info function from the row menu of the Display group you want to update and select the installation file you have added from the list.
  • The display group VSign will automatically update the software during the next CMS connection by downloading the installation file.
  • The new software package should be zipped as shown in Figure-2.

Figure-2: Software package folder

  • When downloading the VSign software, the downloaded content is not lost.
  • When updating the VSign software, be careful not to lose the file “vsign.config.xml” to avoid losing the current CMS address and key value.

VSign Recovery

The VSign software can be updated by the on-screen software. This method can be used when VSign is restored in the software. This function is only available for SoC screens. The update is performed in the
following steps.

    • Go to the Display Settings page in the CMS navigation menu
    • Go to the Display menu’s row menu and click Edit.
    • Go to the Advanced tab
    • Edit and save the Recovery MD5 and Recovery FTP Address fields
    • Go to the Display Group page in the CMS navigation menu.
    • Go to the Display group row menu and click Recovery.
    • Set Recovery Status to Yes and save.
    • The software of the screens in the display group will update the VSign software when the screens are restarted.

Vsign rescue package should be zipped as shown in Figure-3.

Figure-3: Vsign package file

  • Vsign recovery package signing steps are respectively;
  • After zipping files in the Vsign folder, the zip file must be signed.For signature, use the “Signage”
  • Application Signing Tool” program.The following commands must be run after the application is in the same folder with the prepared zip.
  • After running, the signed file is composed.
  • The signed zip MD5 Code must be taken.
  • The file must be uploaded to the FTP server.
  • Recovery can be done after necessary adjustments are made via CMS.
  • In order for this function to work properly, the Recovery software profile must be enabled and the

    CMS Recovery address must be entered.

    When saving the VSign software, the “data” folder must be stored without recovery, in order not to lose the current downloaded content.

    When recovering the VSign software, the existing CMS address and key value should not be lost.

TV FW Update

VSign supports display update. This function is only available for SoC screens. The update is performed in the following steps.

    • From the CMS navigation menu, go to the Content page
    • Press the Add Media button and select the Generic file type on the pop-up form and add the relevant screen software setup file.
    • Go to the Screens page from the CMS navigation menu.
    • Select the FW Info function from the line menu of the screen you want to update and select the
      installation file you added from the list.
    • The VSign software will download the installation file and automatically update the software with CMS the next time.

TV software file should be zipped as follows in Figure-4.

Figure-4: TV software zip file

  • HotelTv Hotel Mode : Enabled
  • B2B Product: SignageTV
  • Welcome screen : Disabled
  • SecureCommand : Disable
  • UARTRXDisableOnFTI : Disable