[:en]Program Table Commands Group[:fr]Groupe de commandes de table des programmes[:] | VESTEL B2B Support Portal

[:en]Program Table Commands Group[:fr]Groupe de commandes de table des programmes[:]

[:en]Program Table Commands Group[:fr]Groupe de commandes de table des programmes[:]

This group was created to perform operations such as deleting, adding, and editing television channel. For example, “DELETECHANNEL 1” can be executed to delete first channel, or “SETCHANNEL 5” can be executed to set current channel. These commands can be seen below with their definitions, parameters and returns.

SETCHANNELSet current channel.int n (n = channel list number)#*CURRENT PROGRAM IS SETTED …
LISTPRLists all programs in program list.no parameter#* number, channel list number, service type, frequency, channel name or
#*no program available
DELETECHANNELDeletes the channel which has been entered.int n (n = channel list number)#*CHANNEL OF THE CHANNEL LIST HAS BEEN DELETED SUCCESSFULLY or
ADD_FAVORAdds a channel to the favourite channel list.int-int channelnum, listnum (1≤ listnum ≤ 4)#*This channel was added to channellist or
#*Please enter a service number which is valid! There is not that much channel at the list or
#*Invalid favourite list index
ADD_ALLFAVORAdds whole channels to the favourite channel list.int listnum (1≤ listnum ≤ 4)#*ACK or
#*Invalid favourite list index
DELETE_FAVORDelete a channel to the favourite channel list.int-int channelnum, listnum (1≤ listnum ≤ 4)This channel was deleted in the favorite list. or
#*This channel does not exist in the favorite list.Please add first!! or
#*Please enter a service number which is valid! There is not that much channel at the list or
#*Invalid favourite list index
DELETE_ALLFAVORDeletes whole channels from the favourite channel list.no parameter#*ACK
Channels were deleted in the favorite list.
IS_FAVORWhether a channel is in the given numbered favourite channel list.int-int channelnum, listnum (1≤ listnum ≤ 4)#*>>TRUE or
GETCHANNELLISTGets the result of channel table.no parameter#* channel list number – channel name – network type (S,A,C,T with frequency or blank) – service type (DISPLAY,R,TXT,D) – lock status(L or blank) – tag status (T or blank) – scrambled status (S or T)
GETCHANNELLISTIEWGets the result of channel list view table.no parameter#* channel list number – channel name – service type
GETPROGRAMGet program.no parameter#*current program is …
CLEARCHLISTClear all the channels.no parameter#*Channel list was cleared

Table 1: Program table commands