[:en]Video Wall Commands Group[:fr]Groupe de commandes du mur vidéo[:] | VESTEL B2B Support Portal

[:en]Video Wall Commands Group[:fr]Groupe de commandes du mur vidéo[:]

[:en]Video Wall Commands Group[:fr]Groupe de commandes du mur vidéo[:]

These commands were created to function video wall settings. For example, “SETCELL 3” can be executed to set cell of TV as 3, or “GETVIDEOWALL” can be executed to learn video wall parameters. Video wall commands can be seen below with their definitions, parameters and returns.

SETROWCOUNTSet row count.integer n (0 ≤ n ≤ 100)#*set row count to n
GETROWCOUNTGet row count.no parameter#*row count is …
SETCOLUMNCOUNTSet column count.integer n (0 ≤ n ≤ 100)#*set column count to n
GETCOLUMNCOUNTGet column count.no parameter#*column count is …
SETCELLSet cell.integer n (0 ≤ n ≤ 100)#*set cell to n
GETCELLGet cell.no parameter#*cell is …
SETOFFSETSet offset.integer n (0 ≤ n ≤ 100). n is the number of pixels which will be cropped from all four sides.#*set offset to n
GETOFFSETGet offset.no parameter#*offset is …
SETVIDEOWALLSet videowall parametersparameters for items in following format:
#*set row count to …, set column count to …, set cell to …, set offset to …
GETVIDEOWALLGet videowall parametersno parameter#*row count is …, column count is …, cell is …, offset is …
SETALLVIDEOWALLSet all videowall parametersparameters for items in following format:
#*… (“set to” for each parameter in order)
GETALLVIDEOWALLGet all videowall parametersno parameter#*picture_mode-contrast-brightness-sharpness-color-powesave_mode-backlight_mode-colortemp-zoom_mode-hdmi_trueblack-picture_hue-volume-headphone_volume
SETPIXELSHIFTSet pixel shift is enabled or notstring-integer n ( n = on, n = off)#*ACK
GETPIXELSHIFTGet pixel shiftno parameter#*Pixel Shift is …
SETSIGNAGEIDSet Signage IDinteger n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100). n is the Signage ID#*ACK
GETSIGNAGEIDGet Signage IDno parameter#*The signage ID is …
(If return value is 0, then it means no signage id is assigned. 0 is the default value.)
SETVIDEOWALLENABLEDSet video wall is enabled or notstring n (n = ON, n = OFF)#*Video wall is set to ON
#*Video wall is set to OFF
#*Video wall is disabled in profile
#*Video wall is not set (invalid input)
GETVIDEOWALLENABLEDGet video wall enable valueno parameter#*Video Wall is ON or OFF
#*Video wall is disabled in profile

Table 1: Video wall commands