[:en]Admin Menu Commands Group[:fr]Groupe de commandes du menu Admin[:] | VESTEL B2B Support Portal

[:en]Admin Menu Commands Group[:fr]Groupe de commandes du menu Admin[:]

[:en]Admin Menu Commands Group[:fr]Groupe de commandes du menu Admin[:]

Admin Menu commands replace the old remote cgi commands. For example, “TOF” can be executed to turn TV off or “TON 10” can be executed to turn TV on with volume of 10. URL of channel list can be get executing GTCURL. These commands can be seen below with their definitions, parameters and returns.

TOFTurn Off TVno parameter#Display will be sent to Active Standby state.
RSTRestartno parameter
int (wait seconds until Restart)
#Display will be restarted
#Display will be restarted after … seconds!
TONThis command will turn on the TV, if TV is in active standby state and the parameter value will set volume value, if the Startup Volume Enable item (in Volume Settings menu) value is enable.
If TON is called without a parameter, the volume doesn’t change: Missing parameter warning
integer (volume value)#Display will be turned on
STVSets TV Volume, parameter value will ve set for volume levelinteger (volume level)#Volume set level= …
CTZChange Time Zone.integer (gmt value)#Timezone setup SUCCEEDED
GTZGet Time Zoneno parameter#Timezone is …
STLSet TV Languagestring-int (please look at abbreviations of languages)#Language changed to …
UPFUpdate Profile Filesstring-int (“auto” : default path will be used for update or
URL string for path of profile files )
#Profile Files Updated from default path success = ..
#Profile Files Updated from defined path success =…
UWSIUpdate Welcome Screen Imagestring (URL string for path of image file or path which starts with /tmp/… and contains image file,
image file must be png and 960*540)
#Welcome Screen File Updated from defined path success =…
GTCURLGet Channel List URLno parameter#channelListUrl =…
SCURLSet Channel List URLstring -int (new url of channel list)#Channel List Url setup SUCCESSED
GTFTPGet FTP Propertiesno parameter#FTP server address=…
FTP server user =…
FTP server password =…
SFTPSet FTP Propertiesstring string (ip_addr user-password) (ex: vestel-vest123)#Set FTP Props operation SUCCESSED
FSUUpdate softwareno parameter#Web Software Update search STARTED !!!
UCLUpdate channel listno parameter#”Channel List updated !!!
SWASend wake up alarmstring (alarm url (with .ts file extension) )#WakeupAlarm is set
STWAStop wake up alarmno parameter#WakeupAlarm stopped !!!
SEASend emergency alarmstring-string (alarm url – emergency message)
[message content should be “word1+ word2+word3 …”]
#Emergency Alarm is set !!!
STEAStop emergency alarmnone#Emergency Alarm is stopped !!!
UNPSend Messagestring-int (message text – 0)
[message content should be “word1+ word2+word3 …”]
#Message Sent in SUCCESS !!!
TNSend Message/Trigger notificationint (key id (900<= id<=904))#Message Sent in SUCCESS !!!
DDHCPCDisable Dhcp clientnone#DHCPC_DISABLED in SUCCESS !!!
EDHCPCEnable Dhcp clientnone#DHCPC_ENABLED in SUCCESS !!!
RTVPReturn TV Main Pagenone#Refresh Done in SUCCESS !!!
GTSURLGet TV Portal URLnone#StartUp url is ….
SFTI  Set First Time Installation by taking and saving system language and txt language text parameters; then reboots the system.string-string
[system language (look at abbreviations) – txt language text (look at txt languages)]
#System reinitialised !!!
SDFTISet Default First Time Installation by reseting the parameters set by SFTI and returning to default FTI settings; then reboots the system.none#System will be reinitialised !!!
SHMSet Hotel Modeint ( 1-enabled/ 2- disabled)#Internet connection successful file_size=2048
#Date and Time is being updated from NTP Client
#No Internet Connection! Date and Time cannot be updated
UNTPUpdate Date and Timenone#Auto : forced_ntpserver file deleted – SUCCESS !! or
#Forced_ntpserver written – SUCCESS !!
SNTPSet NTP Server IPstring-int (“auto” / ntp server path – 0 )#Auto : forced_ntpserver file deleted – SUCCESS !! or
#Forced_ntpserver written – SUCCESS !!
WAUSW Auto Upgradeint ( 1-enabled/ 2- disabled)#Auto Software Update Availability – ENABLED !!
SRCSet Remote Control Codeint (2/3/4)#Remote Control system Code set to …
GTNTPGet NTP Server IPnone#”NTP server url is …
SMASet mac addressstring-int ( ex: eth0-00:09:df:86:34:25) #SetMacAdress Succesfull
get_mac_addressGet mac addressnone#*Hwaddr: mac_address – Succesfull
SSIPSet static IP, Default Gateway and SubnetMask addresses (seperate addresses with “-” character)string ( ex: address setting Succesfull
ATOF Auto TV Off Modeint ( 0 <= mode <=8)#set auto display off mode to …
STVCHSet TV Channelint ( index of channel)#CURRENT PROGRAME IS SETTED …

Table 1: Admin panel commands

Abbreviations of Languages:

In this section, abbreviations of languages are summarized. They can be seen below:

{“en”, “eng”}, //1 English
{“de”, “ger”}, //2 German
{“fr”, “fre”}, //3 French
{“es”, “spa”}, //4 Spanish
{“it”, “ita”}, //5 Italian
{“da”, “dan”}, //6 Danish
{“fi”, “fin”}, //7 Finnish
{“sw”, “swe”}, //8 Swedish
{“el”, “gre”}, //9 Greek
{“no”, “nor”}, //10 Norwegian
{“nl”, “dut”}, //11 Dutch
{“pt”, “por”}, //12 Portuguese
{“pl”, “pol”}, //13 Polish
{“tr”, “tur”}, //14 Turkish
{“ru”, “rus”}, //15 Russian
{“cs”, “cze”}, //16 Czech
{“hu”, “hun”}, //17 Hungarian
{“sk”, “slo”}, //18 Slovak
{“sl”, “slv”}, //19 Slovenian
{“ro”, “rum”}, //20 Romanian
{“bg”, “bul”}, //21 Bulgarian
{“hr”, “hrv”}, //22 Croatian
{“sr”, “srp”} //23 Serbian(Cyrilic)

Txt Languages:

In this section, txt languages are summarized. They can be seen below:
